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Power Requirements to Train Modern LLMs


Large Language Models (LLMs) are computer programs designed to mimic human language processing capabilities, including language understanding and generation. LLMs are widely used for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as text classification, question answering, and language translation. However, the training of these models requires an enormous amount of computing power and energy consumption. In this article, we will discuss the power requirements of modern LLMs, including GPT-2, GPT-3, and BERT, and compare their power consumption with other AI applications and non-AI applications.

Cluster of advanced GPUs in a new age data center

Large Language Models and their Power Requirements

Large Language Models (LLMs) are artificial intelligence models that are capable of processing and generating human-like language. These models are trained on massive amounts of data, often in the range of terabytes or petabytes, and can have billions of parameters. LLMs are generally trained using a technique called supervised learning, where the model is fed a large amount of input-output pairs and learns to predict the output given the input.

The training process of LLMs is computationally intensive and requires a significant amount of computing power. The power requirements for training LLMs depend on various factors such as the model size, the training data size, the number of training iterations, and the hardware used for training. In general, the larger the model size and the training data, the more computing power is required.

Power Consumption of Different Large Language Models

There are several large language models available today, such as GPT-2, GPT-3, and BERT. The power consumption of these models varies depending on their size and the hardware used for training.

According to OpenAI, GPT-2, which has 1.5 billion parameters, required 355 years of single-processor computing time and consumed 28,000 kWh of energy to train. In comparison, GPT-3, which has 175 billion parameters, required 355 years of single-processor computing time and consumed 284,000 kWh of energy to train, which is 10 times more energy than GPT-2. BERT, which has 340 million parameters, required 4 days of training on 64 TPUs and consumed 1,536 kWh of energy.

Power Consumption of Different Sizes of Language Models

The power consumption of LLMs varies significantly with the model size. A larger model requires more computing power and energy to train. For instance, OpenAI trained GPT-3 with 175 billion parameters, which consumed 284,000 kWh of energy. In contrast, GPT-2, which has only 1.5 billion parameters, consumed only 28,000 kWh of energy. Similarly, training a model with 100 million parameters requires significantly less power than training a model with 1 billion or 10 billion parameters.

Model SizeEnergy Consumption (kWh)
100M1,000 – 10,000
1B10,000 – 100,000
10B100,000 – 1,000,000
Table: Model Size vs Energy Consumption

Power Consumption of LLMs vs. Other AI Applications

LLMs are not the only AI application that requires a significant amount of computing power and energy. Other AI applications such as computer vision models and speech recognition models also require substantial computing resources. However, the power requirements of LLMs are generally higher than other AI applications due to their size and complexity.

For example, OpenAI’s GPT-3, which has 175 billion parameters, consumes 284,000 kWh of energy to train. In comparison, a state-of-the-art computer vision model, ResNet-50, which has 25 million parameters, requires only 1,500 kWh of energy to train. This indicates that the power requirements of LLMs are much higher than other AI applications.

Power Consumption of LLMs vs. Non-AI Applications

The power consumption of LLMs is also much higher than non-AI applications. For instance, running a data center or a manufacturing plant requires a significant amount of energy but still consumes less power than training an LLM.

According to a study by researchers at the University of Massachusetts, training a large language model with 1.75 billion parameters can emit up to 626,155 pounds of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to the emissions from five cars over their lifetimes. In contrast, the energy required to run a data center with 5,000 servers for a year is estimated to emit about 4,500 tons of carbon dioxide.

Log kW hours consumption of various AI applications

Comparison with Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining is another computationally intensive task that requires a significant amount of energy. Bitcoin mining involves solving complex mathematical problems to validate and verify transactions on the blockchain. The power consumption of Bitcoin mining is estimated to be around 121.36 TWh per year, which is more than the energy consumption of many countries.

In comparison, the energy consumption of LLMs is relatively small. OpenAI’s GPT-3, which has 175 billion parameters, consumes 284,000 kWh of energy to train, which is only a small fraction of the energy consumed by Bitcoin mining.

ApplicationEnergy Consumption
GPT-228,000 kWh
GPT-3284,000 kWh
BERT1,536 kWh
ResNet-501,500 kWh
Data Center4,500 tons CO2
Bitcoin121.36 TWh/year
Table: Summary of Power Consumption Comparisons

The Future: Towards Energy Efficiency

The power requirements of LLMs increase with their size and complexity. However, it is essential to note that despite the significant resources consumed during their training, these models can be surprisingly efficient once trained. For instance, even with GPT-3, generating 100 pages of content from a trained model can cost on the order of 0.4 kW-hr, or only a few cents in energy costs (Brown 2020).

Moreover, once these models are trained, they can demonstrate promising results across multiple tasks in zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot settings. For example, GPT-3 achieved impressive accuracy scores on CoQA and TriviaQA in various settings.


In conclusion, large language models (LLMs) require a significant amount of computing power and energy to train. The power requirements of LLMs increase with their size and complexity. The power consumption of LLMs is generally higher than other AI applications and non-AI applications. However, the energy consumption of LLMs is relatively small compared to Bitcoin mining.

As the use of these models becomes more widespread, it is crucial to develop energy-efficient algorithms and hardware to minimize their environmental impact (Brown 2020). This is a rapidly evolving field, and it would be worthwhile to keep an eye on recent developments in this area.


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